Baptism, Infant, Old Testament, For the Dead, Etc.
Christians Should Baptize Their Children, but Not Because of Circumcision
Infant Baptism in the History of the Church
The Case for Covenantal Continuity in the Sacramental Life of the Church
The Gospel in Water: Baptism, Union with Christ, and Salvation
The Meaning of Baptism—and How It Makes the Gospel Visible
What Does Baptism Accomplish? Part One: Introduction
What Does Baptism Accomplish? Part Two: Adoption Ceremony
What Does Baptism Accomplish? Part Three: A Marriage Ceremony
What Does Baptism Accomplish? Part Four: An Ordination Ceremony
A Major Problem with Doctrinal Development
A Protestant View of Church History
A Response to an Erroneous Video. "A Question Protestants Can't Answer"
Are The Marian Dogmas Historically Credible?
Apostolic Succession: Framing the Options (Protestant View)
Augustine on Scripture (Sola Scriptura)
Cameron Bertuzzi's Conversion to Rome: Protestant Response
Catholicism Made Me Protestant
Does Jerome Undermine Apostolic Succession?
Dr. Gavin Ortlund Unpacks Problematic Roman Catholic Dogmas
Icon Veneration Is Clearly An Accretion
Is Apostolic Succession An Accretion?
Is Mary's Assumption a Gnostic Legend?
Praying to the Saints: A Protestant Critique
Protestant Critiques of Roman Catholic Doctrines
Protestant Views of History, Theology and Critiques of Roman Catholicism
Purgatory a Protestant Perspective
Purgatory, Christ's Imputation, and Dr. Stravinskas
The Immaculate Conception of Mary: A Protestant Evaluation
The Assumption of Mary: A Protestant Critique
Venerating Icons: A Protestant Critique
Was There A Bishop of Rome in the First Century
What Is Sola Scriptura? Response to the Catechumen
Which Old Testament Canon is Right?
Why Mary's Assumption Is Indefensible
Why We Are Still Protesting Rome
-Christian Hospitality-
The Framework Hypothesis - A Gnostic Heresy
-Cyril Lukaris-
The Confession of Cyril Lukaris (1629)
Cyril Lukaris: Calvinist Patriarch/Orthodox Saint
-Federal Vision-
Approaches to Justification within the Federal Vision
Federal Vision & Justification w/ Rich Lusk Ep. 98
Joint Federal Vision Statement
The Federal Vision: Controversy or Common Ground? w/ Douglas Wilson & Rich Lusk
The Federal Vision / With Pastor Rich Lusk
-Holy (Godly) Deception-
Forever Means Forever: God's Promises to the Jews
-John The Baptist-
Why Does John the Baptizer Look Like a Camel?
-Men and Women-
Biblical View of Men and Women
Did Eve Ruin Female Ordination?
Through New Eyes: Eve’s Desire and Adam’s Rule
-N.T. Wright-
Don’t Tell Me N.T. Wright Denies Penal Substitution
N.T. Wright A Sober Appreciation With Some Criticism
What's Wrong With N.T. Wright?
Communion: It's For Our Children Too
Daddy Why Was I Excommunicated
The History of Paedocommunion from the Early Church Until 1500
-Pictures of Jesus-
Vere Homo: The Case for Pictures of Jesus
Postmillennialism: A Biblical Approach; A Response to Jeremy Sexton
The Hole in Our Hope? A Rejoinder
The Narrow Gate and the Postmillenial Hope
-Protestant View of the Sacraments-
What is a Sacrament - Some Problems of Definition
-Tim Keller-
Casting Doubt - The Legacy of Tim Keller Part 1
Casting Doubt - The Legacy of Tim Keller Part 2
Casting Doubt - The Legacy of Tim Keller Part 3
Casting Doubt - The Legacy of Tim Keller Part 4
Casting Doubt - The Legacy of Tim Keller Part 5
Casting Doubt - The Legacy of Tim Keller Part 6
Cultural Marxism in The Church: Menace or Myth?
Engaging Tim Keller on Theistic Evolution - Part 1
Engaging Tim Keller on Theistic Evolution - Part 2
"Hath God Said"? The Scripture Twisting of Tim Keller (Articles)
"Hath God Said"? The Scripture Twisting of Tim Keller (Videos)
How Social Justice Kills the Gospel
The Theological Problem With Tim Keller’s So-Called Social Justice
Tim Keller, A Detailed Analysis of His Woke Gospel
True Justice: Who Owns What—And To Whom Is What Owed?
"What Hath Tim Keller Wrought"?
-Women's Headcoverings-
Headcoverings, Church Calendar , Divorce & Remarriage
Headcoverings, Part 1- The Difficulties of I Corinthians 11
Headcoverings Part 2 - Examining the Assumptions
Headcoverings Part 3 - Examining the Assumptions (Continued)
Headcoverings Part 4 - The History (and Dangers) of Headcoverings
Uncovering The Headcovering Movement - Pt. 1